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Report on good and adverse practices - Animal welfare concerns in relation to slaughter practices from the viewpoint of veterinary sciences.

K. von Holleben, bsi Schwarzenbek, Germany
M. von Wenzlawowicz, bsi Schwarzenbek, Germany
N. Gregory, Royal Veterinary College, UK
H. Anil, Cardiff University, UK
A.Velarde, IRTA, Spain
P. Rodriguez, IRTA, Spain
B. Cenci Goga, University of Perugia, Italy
B. Catanese, University of Perugia, Italy
B. Lambooij, ASG Veehourderij, The Netherlands


This report as part of the dialogue on religious slaughter summarises the animal welfare concerns from the viewpoint of veterinary sciences in relation to slaughter practices. It includes neck cutting without stunning, stunning prior to neck cutting (in the context of religious slaughter), and post neck cut stunning . The aim is to discuss and evaluate the different types of slaughter practices, including preslaughter handling. This report has been produced in an unbiased and comparative manner, taking into account scientific findings and observations gathered by veterinarians and scientists under practical conditions. Part of the report is also be based on observations made during the spot visits, carried out during the project in Germany, Spain, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Israel, Australia (and New Zealand). This is referred to as experience gathered by the veterinarians of the Dialrel consortium, mainly during WP21. Species covered are cattle, sheep, goats and poultry (predominately chicken and turkey).

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